12月9日,西属加纳利群岛的第一家哈瓦那之家雪茄销售门店在特内里费岛(Tenerife)的圣克鲁斯(Santa Cruz)开业,门店位于一个名为科斯塔·阿德耶(Costa Adeje)的旅游胜地。这家门店是多米尼克伦敦( Dominique London)开设的,取名为“特内里费哈瓦那之家”。这家门店设有宽敞的步入式雪茄保湿房和全系列的优质古巴雪茄、储物柜、样品展示区以及一系列的雪茄配件。
多米尼克伦敦的首席执行官弗雷德里克·德尚( Frédéric Dechamps)告诉记者,门店的茄房已经装满了。他在加纳利群岛参加了这家门店的开业仪式。
多米尼克伦敦的首席商务官米切尔·奥查特(Mitchell Orchant)说,特内里费岛一直有着消费优质雪茄的传统,我们很自豪可以在岛上开设第一家哈瓦那之家门店。特内里费岛长期以来吸引着来自世界各地的游客。我们很高兴可以在满足他们的雪茄消费需求的同时为当地的民众服务。
多米尼克伦敦是今年3月份由比利时的烟草之家(La Casa del Tabaco)和英国的卡尔斯公司(C.Gars Ltd )合并组建的公司。这家门店是该公司拥有的第20家门店。该公司还在英国、比利时、瑞士巴塞尔拥有雪茄门店。
The first Casa del Habano in the Canary Islands opened today in the tourist location of Costa Adeje, Santa Cruz, on the island of Tenerife. The shop, opened by Dominique London, is called Casa del Habano Tenerife, and has an extensive walk-in humidor and a full range of premium Havana cigars, with lockers and a sampling area plus a range of cigar accessories.
“The humidor is full,” said Frédéric Dechamps, chief executive officer of Dominique London, who was in the Canaries for the shop’s opening.
“Tenerife has a tradition for fine cigars and we are very proud to open the first La Casa del Habano on the island,” said Mitchell Orchant, Dominique London’s chief commercial officer. “Tenerife has long offered draws that attract tourists from all over the world. We will be delighted to meet their cigar needs as well as serve the local community.”
Dominique London was created in March with the merger of La Casa del Tabaco in Belgium and Orchant’s C.Gars Ltd of the United Kingdom. This is the company’s 20th shop. The organization also has shops throughout the United Kingdom, Belgium and Basel, Switzerland.
This also marks the expansion of the Casa del Habano franchise. In the past year, new Casas have opened in Switzerland, Thailand, Israel, Albania, Curaçao, Vietnam and Togo.
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