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2014年02月07日 来源:烟草在线据atg.state.vt.us报道编译 作者:
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    烟草在线据atg.state.vt.us报道编译  美国佛蒙特州首席检察官威廉•H.索瑞尔正领导一项努力在提议签署的泛太平洋自由贸易协议中保留联邦、州及地方烟草控制措施的工作。在1月27日通过美国全国首席检察官协会发布,并由首席检察官索瑞尔、爱达荷州首席检察官劳伦斯•瓦斯登联合撰写的一封信中,44个州和领地的执法机构首席长官呼吁美国贸易代表将烟草和烟草产品排除在目前处于磋商阶段的泛太平洋伙伴关系协议之外。这将保留联邦、州和地方政府为减少烟草使用,保护公众健康而对烟草产品实施管理的能力。



US: Attorneys General Call On Trade Representative To Preserve Tobacco Regulation

atg.state.vt.us,January 27, 2014

Vermont Attorney William H. Sorrell is leading an effort to preserve federal, state and local control over tobacco products in a proposed Pacific-basin free trade agreement. In a letter released today through the National Association of Attorneys General and co-sponsored by Attorneys General Sorrell and Lawrence Wasden of Idaho, the chief law enforcement officers of 44 states and territories are calling upon the United States Trade Representative to exclude tobacco and tobacco products from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which is currently under negotiation. This would preserve the ability of federal, state and local governments to regulate tobacco products to reduce their use and protect the public health.

According to the letter, the U.S. Trade Representative’s latest draft proposal addressing tobacco in the Trans-Pacific Partnership would not adequately protect tobacco control efforts in the United States. “As the chief legal officers of our states, we are concerned about any development that could jeopardize the states’ ability to enforce their laws and regulations relating to tobacco products,” reads the letter. “Experience has shown that state and local laws and regulations may be challenged by tobacco companies that aggressively assert claims under bilateral and multilateral trade and investment agreements. … Such agreements can enable these tobacco companies to challenge federal, state and local laws and regulations under standards and in forums that would not be available under United States law.”

The Attorneys General note that tobacco kills 440,000 Americans every year and, at present rates, will kill more than one billion people worldwide in this century. Their letter stresses that “there is no policy justification for including tobacco products in agreements that are intended to promote and expand trade and investment generally.”


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