A.J.费尔南德斯为Diesel品牌推出了新的威士忌雪茄系列。该系列是与Rabbit Hole Bourbon共同开发的。新威士忌雪茄系列的特点是填料采用
通用雪茄公司旗下的迪赛( Diesel)雪茄一直是在尼加拉瓜的费尔南德斯雪茄厂代工。如今STG(斯堪的纳维亚烟草集团,也是通用雪茄的母公司
(Diesel Whiskey Row Founder’s Collection)。雪茄只有一个尺寸,52环径,6英寸,公牛型号。每
通用雪茄公司旗下有一个雪茄品牌叫柴油机( Diesel),一直以来都是由尼加拉瓜的雪茄制造商A.J.费尔南德斯(A.J. Fernandez
with tomatoes, then went to cheese and herbs. Now, the seasonal Diesel Sunday Gravy series continues
Co.)负责经销。附参考文章:There’s a new, three-part Diesel series from Scandinavian Tobacco Group called
原文:The Diesel Sunday Gravy series makes its saucy return with the third release in the line
not with its second installment of Diesel Sunday Gravy which they call Pecorino, which began shipping
tobacco Group)的子公司,经销La GloriaCubana、非古巴的Partagas和Diesel等品牌。