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2023年02月02日 来源:烟斗界 作者:独孤求败
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这些探讨的主要依据来自于Pentti Ermala 和 Lars Holsti的一篇研究文章(DISTRIBUTION AND ABSORPTION OF TOBACCO TAR IN THE ORGANS OF THE RESPIRATORY TRACT),他们俩希望通过研究烟草中(卷烟和烟斗)的焦油在人体呼吸道的吸收过程,探究癌症与吸烟的关联程度。非常难得的是该研究包含了卷烟和烟斗两种吸食方式,使得我们有机会可以独立地对烟斗中烟草燃烧方式作进一步探讨。(下面是该文章PDF的下载链接,对理论分析没兴趣的斗友不建议看,有兴趣的斗友可以深度阅读,尤其是关于烟草在卷烟和烟斗中两种燃烧状态的不同,以及人体在两种状态下对于焦油吸收的差异,总的来说烟斗对身体危害要小于卷烟:


The Thermodynamics of Pipe-Smoking烟斗热力学

Most pipe smokers focus first on their pipe and/or tobacco selection, secondarily on their tobacco-packing technique, and finally on tamping technique. From my experience, however, the method by which the pipe is lit seems to warrant far less attention than other considerations.大部分斗客开始都关注烟斗和烟草的选择,其次是烟草的填塞技巧,最后是压棒的使用。但往往忽视点火的因素。

As I sat and wondered what was going on, I inspected the moisture of the tobacco. In a moment of epiphany, I realized that I had probably never lit this tobacco with a match as opposed to with my lighter. In that moment, I decided to experiment for a month or so by lighting my pipes solely with matches. I put my lighters in the drawer and I have been using matches exclusively since then.我坐在那里透过烟气思索着发生的事情,忽然想明白了:我以前一直使用气体打火机点烟草,从未尝试过用火柴。从那一刻起我决定尝试一个月内只用火柴点烟斗,我把气体打火机放入抽屉,自此以后我抽烟斗只用火柴。I also decided to do some research on the science of igniting – or pyrolizing (as scientists call it) – tobacco. This little research project has taught me a great deal more than I bargained for.我于是决定做一些烟草燃烧方面的研究,没想到这个小项目让我以后获益匪浅。For example, pipe tobacco burns on average (in the combustion zone) at about 500 degrees Celsius. Cigarettes burn at about 670 degrees Celsius, and cigars burn at an intermediate average between pipes and cigarettes.


For example, the maximum temperature a pipe smoker might achieve is 620 degrees Celsius whereas someone who has cultivated a slow, cool smoking style might smoke as low as 380 degrees Celsius.例如,烟斗内的温度最高可达620度,一个熟练的斗客可以通过慢吸使温度降到380度。Ermala and Holst established that there are three zones in the pipe chamber:

In principle, three main zones are distinguishable in burning tobacco (cigarette and pipe) : (a) the actual glowing point, where oxidation takes place, called in the following the “combustion zone,” (b) the “distillation zone,” where no actual glowing occurs but where the temperature is high and dry distillation quite strong, and (c) the zone farthest from the glow point, where the temperature is low and where, for that reason, condensation of dry distilled material can take place, and which is hence called the “condensation zone.”ErmalaHolst把烟斗的斗钵划分成3个区域:a)燃烧区:实际燃烧发生氧化反应的区域,b)蒸馏区:没有发生实际燃烧,但温度很高且强干蒸馏,c)冷凝区:离燃烧点最远,此处温度较低所以干蒸溜物质因而冷凝。


When I compared the kindling temperatures of wood and butane, (in chemistry, kindling temperature is the lowest temperature at which a substance bursts into flame) I learned that butane, when mixed with air, burns at 1,977 degrees Celsius whereas matches burn between 600 and 800 degrees Celsius, depending on the wood variety used in manufacture (most matches use Aspen wood).当我比较木材和丁烷气体的燃点发现,丁烷气体混合空气燃烧温度达1977度,火柴的温度在600-800度之间。

My little research project has left me both wiser and happier. I am finding that my smoking experience has been enhanced by more careful attention to managing the size and intensity of my pipe’s combustion zone. I am experiencing more complexity in my tobaccos and considerably less tongue bite

How and why chamber geometry impacts tobacco flavor斗钵的几何形状为什么且怎样改变烟草的风味

In our pipe communities, a great deal of time and no little energy has been expended on what is commonly called “engineering.” There is no shortage of argument concerning those variables that combine to produce an excellent smoker. Draft hole dimensions, air-flow, whether or not one should polish a pipe’s interior passages, the design of the last inch of the stem (button end), the precision of mortise and tenon dimensions – there are varying degrees of disagreement and consensus as to how these features of a pipe should be designed and accomplished, and the extent to which they contribute to a pipe’s superior smoking qualities.


Discussions concerning chamber geometry have been relatively absent, especially compared to discussions regarding how how open or constricted a draft hole should be. All other things being equal, my hunch is that there is no more important design variable than chamber geometry, especially when it comes to how amenable specific pipes are to different tobacco types and blends.但对斗钵几何形状的讨论相对缺乏,而关心孔径大小的人却不在少数。我认为在所有这些重要变量之中,斗钵几何形状的变化是最大的,尤其是涉及不同斗型适用不同品种的烟草或混配这个话题。

While it seems obvious on its face, flavor is directly related to the chemical structure of smoke. It is those aromatic particulates in the smoke that excite the body’s gustatory (taste) and olfactory (smell) receptors.


Ermala and Holsti explain the thermodynamic process that places those aromatic particulates in the smokestream:When a pipe is smoked, the temperature does not rise very high; the heat, on the other hand, spreads rapidly outside the area which is actually glowing and burning in the closed bowl. Temperature of the combustion zone was about 500°C. (variability, 380°-620°C.). The distillation zone was very large. Experiments show that, of the tobacco below that still unburnt, about 25 per cent reached a temperature exceeding 300°C during the suction, and at least 60 per cent a temperature exceeding 100°C. The corresponding fractions of the substances in the tobacco leaf were thus distilled into the smoke without being burned and without attaining the higher temperatures at all.”




我画了一张示意图来表示烟草在斗钵内燃烧的3个区域,当然这只是大概的描述一下3个区域的关系,因为不同几何形状斗钵的燃烧3区域分布会有所不同。从这张示意图可以看出,斗钵的直径会影响烟草风味,正如Greg Pease在他的文章(Matching Pipes and Tobaccos Part 1)中指出,“开阔的斗钵产生较浓的风味,而木料本身对于烟草风味的影响几乎没有,这点是说得通的,随着斗钵内径的增大而更多烟草参与闷烧。”因为烟草风味主要来自于蒸馏区,蒸馏区越大则气味越芬芳。我相信烟草混合品种越复杂(尤其是英式和巴尔干混合),越是需要大的斗钵才能充分释放烟草的芬芳。

This may explain why stacked pipes tend to develop more dramatically than more shallow-chambered pipes.这就解释了为什么深斗钵产生的风味变化要比浅斗钵丰富变幻得多I used to believe that I would create more flavor if I lit a larger portion of the tobaccos surface area我曾经以为点燃烟草表面越大,风味越丰富,但是I started making sure that the center of the bowl was lit and then, as I smoked down, I pushed tobacco toward the combustion zone. Two things happened: One, my smokes started tasting better and sweeter, and two, my smokes lasted longer.现在我只点燃烟草的中心,随着抽烟的进行我把烟草逐渐推入燃烧区,这样做有两个好处:抽斗的品质更高更甘美,抽斗的时间也更长。

How might draft hole dimensions affect flavor formulation?斗钵直径会怎样影响烟草的风味?

Why are tobacco flavors inconsistent in different chamber geometries?为什么同样的烟草在不同斗型中风味会不同?

How might this information impact how we buy pipes and tobaccos?这些信息将怎样影响我们对于烟斗和烟草的选择?





a. 理论上说大直径斗钵容易形成大的蒸溜区,能提高风味。

b. 所以对于前、中、后段风味变化不多(由烟草品种及混合比例决定)的烟草适合大斗钵,提高香味浓度和表达。

c. 有些烟草的风味会因蒸溜区的温度变化按先后次序从烟草中释放不同芳香物质,也可能因为上层燃烧层的高温导致下层烟草中的化学物质发生变化,而产生前、中、后段的风味变幻,如英式草,在这种情况下适合用小口径深钵的烟斗(小口径产生高温导致下层烟草化学变化,深钵产生温度差利于不同芳香物质在不同温度下逐一释放出来)。 另,如果用大直径斗钵会利于香味浓度提升,但不能产生足够的变幻。


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