For the third year, Plasencia Cigars joins the Lunar New Year celebration with its Year of the Rabbit, a limited-edition, toro-sized smoke made entirely of Nicaraguan tobacco.
At 6 1/2 inches long by 54 ring gauge, these cigars come packaged in glossy red boxes designed with the Chinese zodiac motif. The cigars are made at Plasencia Cigars S.A. in Nicaragua and are composed of Nicaraguan tobacco grown on the Plasencia family’s farms. According to the company, this blend has particular emphasis on tobacco from Nicaragua’s Jalapa region and was intended to be mild to medium bodied in strength.
Only 6,000 boxes are being produced, half of which have been earmarked for sale in the United States. The Toros are scheduled to ship on January 20 and are set to retail for $52 per cigar, or $520 per box of 10.
廉心清风 筑未来沐黔烟 贵州烟草商业廉洁文化建设专题