如果你是一个雪茄客,那么你需要一个安全的避风港来存放雪茄。一个精良的雪茄盒,可以模仿世界雪茄制造之都的热带条件。一个完美的选择就是丹尼尔·马歇尔(Daniel Marshall)出品的雪茄保湿盒。也许他看上去很年轻,别人觉得他在这个行业没有什么经验,实际上,马歇尔从事雪茄保湿盒的制造已经有40年了。
雪茄保湿盒采用西班牙雪松木内饰,百宝箱有一种树瘤饰面可供选择。这个叫瓦沃纳( vavona )的树是来自欧洲的红木树根。这款雪茄盒非常大,大概可以放150支雪茄。零售价是1495美元。它的使用寿命足以让您传给儿子或者女儿。
If you smoke cigars, you need a safe haven in which to store them, a good humidor built to mimic the tropical conditions of the cigarmaking capitals of the world. A perfect choice is one of the items made by Daniel Marshall. He looks too young to have been doing this for so long, but Marshall has been making humidors for 40 years. He sold his first in 1982, and since then he has perfected his craft, turning out humidors built to last for decades. Marshall’s products have been put to the test several times in humidor tests organized by Cigar Aficionado, performing at the very top in each battle. Some of our editors own Daniel Marshall humidors that remain in perfect operational condition after more than 20 years of use.
Most of his humidors are crafted in the traditional rectangular shape, but Marshall’s Treasure Chest (pictured) takes his craft to a different level. We love its curved lid not only for its esthetics, but its practicality. Nothing is more infuriating than coming home from the office and finding a knickknack or other foreign object placed atop one of our precious boxes. (“Junior! Isn’t that the remote control sitting on my humidor?”) The curved lid of the Treasure Chest eliminates that temptation.
With an interior of Spanish cedar, the Treasure Chest is available in the pictured vavona burl finish, a wood that comes from the root of a European redwood tree. And it’s large, which comes in handy, as we always seem to have too many cigars to store in our humidors. The Daniel Marshall Limited Edition Treasure Chest 2021 will hold 150 cigars, retails for $1,495, and should last long enough for you to pass down to a son or daughter.
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