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2022年02月07日 来源:加勒比之光 作者:加勒比之光
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14,陈化屋夸特罗尼加拉瓜协奏曲(Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Concerto)


50环径粗,7英寸长,得分93分,单支售价11.24美元,全尼加拉瓜烟叶卷制。这个产品线对荣誉并不陌生,鱼雷造型的大师(Maestro)被评为2019年的年度雪茄。这次,盒压丘吉尔型号的协奏曲再次进入前25名。这款雪茄是由尼加拉瓜的y A.J.费尔南德斯代工生产。拉斐尔·诺达尔(Rafael Nodal)和他的生意伙伴汉克·比肖夫(Hank Bischoff)、乔奇·布兰科(Jochy Blanco)以及诺达尔的妻子阿丽娜(Alina)共同拥有陈化屋这个品牌。不同款式的陈化屋雪茄在不同的雪茄厂代工生产。这款烟叶混合物给我们提供了最佳性能的表现,从浓缩咖啡和巧克力,到山核桃和焦糖。尾端可以感受到八角茴香的共鸣。

The Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua blend is no stranger to high honors. The torpedo-shaped Maestro was the 2019 Cigar of the Year and the brand makes a return to the Top 25 list with the Concerto, a box-pressed Churchill composed of Nicaraguan tobacco. It’s produced in Nicaragua by A.J. Fernandez for Rafael Nodal who owns the Aging Room brand along with his partners, Hank Bischoff, Jochy Blanco and his wife, Alina. There are many different Aging Rooms made in different factories, but this is the blend that gives us the finest performance: an orchestral suite of flavors that range from espresso and chocolate to pecan and caramel. A note of star anise resonates on the finish for a lasting encore.

15,埃雷拉埃斯特利哈瓦那大罗布图(Herrera Esteli Habano Robusto Grande)


52环径粗,5.25英寸长,得分93分,单支售价9.5美元。茄衣是厄瓜多尔烟叶,茄套是洪都拉斯烟叶,茄芯是尼加拉瓜烟叶。烟叶混合大师威利·埃雷拉(Willy Herrera)为德鲁庄园雪茄公司创造了很多富有表现力的雪茄,这家雪茄公司目前为斯威舍国际公司(Swisher International)所有。这款和埃雷拉同名的产品线是2013年发布的,在尼加拉瓜的德鲁庄园大雪茄厂(Gran Fabrica Drew Estate factory)卷制。埃雷拉至今为这个产品线发布了好几款,但是都不如最初发布的版本那样出名。埃雷拉埃斯特利哈瓦那的命名取自它的厄瓜多尔哈瓦那茄衣烟叶,这款大罗布图散发出浓郁而平衡的泥土和胡椒味,并带有咸味花生、蜜饯山核桃和焦糖的甜味元素,尾端的烤面包味让这款雪茄回味无穷。

As his lofty title suggests, master blender Willy Herrera has created many expressive blends for Drew Estate, the handmade cigar company now owned by Swisher International. His namesake cigar, Herrera Esteli first appeared in 2013 and is made in Nicaragua at the Gran Fabrica Drew Estate factory. Since its debut, Herrera has made a few more varieties of the brand, though this year, none have resounded as loudly as the original. The Herrera Esteli Habano is named for its Ecuador Havana wrapper. The Robusto Grande delivers a substantial, yet balanced, smoke of earth and pepper underscored by sweet, nutty elements of salted peanut, candied pecan and caramel. A toasty finish makes this cigar as cohesive as it is flavorful.

16,乔亚银色罗布图(Joya Silver Robusto)



Joya de Nicaragua holds the distinction as oldest handmade cigarmaker in Nicaragua. For more than 50 years, the factory has produced what it believes to be the quintessential Nicaraguan cigar, consisting of only Nicaraguan tobacco. Joya Silver represents a new chapter in the company’s history, comprising other tobaccos to address the diverse palates of today’s market. Joya Silver doesn’t stray too far, as the filler is still completely Nicaraguan. However, the Mexican binder and Ecuador Havana wrapper bring a contrast to Joya’s native leaf, especially in the Robusto where its initial notes of earth and cocoa burst with roasted coffee, dark chocolate and dark fruits. The smoke is intense, though finely trimmed with an elegant crème brûlée sweetness.


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