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2014年09月09日 来源:烟草在线据Talking Retail报道编译 作者:赵军翻译
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  烟草在线据Talking Retail报道编译  自从推出标志性的万宝路卷烟品牌90年以来,领先的烟草公司——菲莫有限公司为英国市场推出了有史以来的第一款手卷烟。

  为了保持新鲜,万宝路金色原味(Marlboro Gold Original)手卷烟被装在一个有三层包装的高品质手感袋子内。零售价格也很有竞争力,建议零售价格是12.5克装4.40英镑和20克装6.90英镑,并附赠高品质的涂胶卷烟纸。






Philip Morris Launches First Ever Rolling Tobacco

  90 years since the iconic Marlboro cigarette brand was launched, leading tobacco company Philip Morris Limited has released its first ever roll your own product for the UK market.

  Marlboro Gold Original rolling tobacco is presented in a premium quality tactile pouch, triple layered for freshness. Competitively priced, with an RRP of £4.40 for 12.5g and £6.90 for 20g pouch formats with high quality gummed rolling papers included.

  Available to order now with deliveries in September, it is the first product to be fully sold, distributed and supported by PML. All PML's Factory Made Cigarettes will continue to be distributed by Imperial Tobacco Limited through to the end of 2015.

  Marketingd director for the UK and Ireland, Zoe Smith commented: "This is the most exciting news from the Marlboro brand in many years and we will be fully supporting the launch of Marlboro Gold Original rolling tobacco nationally across all channels.

  "The rolling tobacco market has grown in both volume and value to be worth almost £2bn a year, so this is an ideal time to launch Marlboro into the category. Last year almost half of all adult smokers stated a preference for roll your own products and as Marlboro Gold Original is now available in a premium rolling tobacco format, consumers can enjoy the perfect blend of taste and price from the UK's Number One premium brand.

  "Additionally, Marlboro Gold Original rolling tobacco will be fully supported by PML's new national field force who are currently building sustainable retail partnerships through consistent brand engagement."

  Marlboro Gold Original rolling tobacco has benefitted from exclusive pre-launch sales at some of the UK's most high profile events and festivals to drive awareness and trial. The launch support for the new product will also include an extensive trade media advertising campaign, cash and carry activities and retail point of sale. Enditem


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