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2012年02月14日 来源:烟草在线据《国际烟草杂志》报道编译 作者:
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  烟草在线据《国际烟草杂志》报道编译  由于出乎意料的国内市场的反弹和有利的外汇汇率变动所协助的国际发展,日本烟草公司计划将其12个月的股东支付提高大约三分之一。


  “因为日本国内和国际烟草业务的强劲表现,我们提高了全年预测目标,”公司总裁兼首席执行官Hiroshi Kimura 2月6日在陈述截至去年12月31日的9个月内公司业绩的声明中说道。



  国际市场,主要品牌的装运量在截至去年12月31日的9个月内上升4.1%至1927亿箱。8个主要品牌主要包括云丝顿、骆驼、柔和七星、金边臣和Silk Cut。国际总装运量,包括低档的本土品牌,数量不变。营业利润同比上涨9.2%至1562亿日元,销售收入为6823亿日元。

JT to hike dividend after performance tops expectations

Tobacco Journal
07 Feb 2012

  Japan Tobacco plans to raise its 12-month shareholder payout by nearly one third due to an unexpectedly resilient domestic market and international growth assisted by favourable foreign-exchange movements.

  A dividend payment of JPY 5,000 (EUR 49.85) proposed for the end of the fiscal year on 31 March will raise the total payout for FY 2012 to JPY 9,000 compared with JPY 6,800 for the prior fiscal year, said Japan Tobacco. JT also raised fiscal year goals for sales and profit, saying net income will increase 30 per cent.

  "We are revising upwards the full-year forecast given the stronger performance of the Japanese domestic and international tobacco businesses," Hiroshi Kimura, president and chief executive officer, said in a 6 Feb statement that recapped company performance in the nine months through 31 Dec.

  "The domestic tobacco business has been steadily recovering market share toward the 60 per cent target for March this year through initiatives to strengthen our competitiveness after the earthquake," he said. "The international tobacco business delivered strong financial results despite the challenging ongoing environment."

  Domestic tobacco sales slumped less than expected through December, following the cigarette excise tax in October, 2010, and the March earthquake. Adjusted net sales dipped 4.2 per cent to JPY 444.8 billion but operating income gained 19.4 per cent to JPY 180.8 billion , in part due to lower promotional costs, the company said. Volume fell 24.3 per cent to 80.8 billion sticks.

  Internationally, key-brand shipment volume in the nine months to 31 Dec rose 4.1 per cent to 192.7 billion units. Among the eight key brands are Winston, Camel, Mild Seven, Benson & Hedges and Silk Cut. Overall international shipment volume, including low-end local brands, was unchanged. Operating profit rose 9.2 per cent to JPY 156.2 billion on sales of JPY 682.3 billion.


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